Which Bible Should I Use?

I have heard for years, “If it ain’t King James, it ain’t Bible.” I always shrugged it off as well meaning zealous Christians insisting on the formal version and nothing else would do. After all, don’t the translators all use the same original manuscripts? They are just updating the archaic language from the 16th Century to a more modern and easier to read version.
After all, didn’t King James threaten the lives of the translators? And what is this “Authorized” version, and what is so important about 1611? Who authorized it? Who gave him the authority to do so?
They say verses were changed. But isn’t it notated as to why in the footnotes? As a teacher of the Word for over 25 years, I always keep a King James as the authoritative text but use the New Living Translation a lot, especially with young people.
Isn’t it funny though, those of us who study the Bible use the King James to do serious study? Is it because inside we KNOW that it is the only one that we can truly trust?
It wasn’t until a few days ago that I finally learned the truth. One preacher took the time to educate his congregation about the truth of the modern Bible versions. I will share the information with you in a series of articles that I am writing on this subject.

1 thought on “Which Bible Should I Use?

  1. Pingback: Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #9 Restored names and Sacred Name Bibles | Belgian Biblestudents - Belgische Bijbelstudenten

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